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disable_coin coin

The disable_coin method deactivates the previously enabled coin, and also cancels all active orders that use the selected coin. The method will return an error in the following cases:

  • The coin is not enabled
  • The coin is used by active swaps
  • The coin is used by a currently matching order. In this case, other orders might still be cancelled

coinstringthe ticker of coin to disable

coinstringthe ticker of deactivated coin
cancelled_ordersarray of stringsuuids of cancelled orders
swapsarray of stringsuuids of active swaps that use the selected coin; present only in error cases
orders.matchingarray of stringsuuids of matching orders that use the selected coin; present only in error cases
orders.cancelledarray of stringsuuids of orders that were successfully cancelled despite the error

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "disable_coin",
  "coin": "DOC"